Body Plastic Surgery

Up Clinic presents all surgical body remodeling techniques, from less invasive, outpatient and fast recovery, to more invasive and naturally producing the lowest differences in outcome.

For an indication of the correct procedure and the management of expectations of each one, it is essential an evaluation or consultation with the plastic surgeon, in order to discuss with the patient all the details of the transformation used.


High Definition Liposculpture

High Definition Liposculpture 4D is the most effective plastic surgery procedure for those who want a defined body and it was enhanced with the creation of Bodysculpting- it is an exclusive technique of Up Clinic and was created by its founder Dr. Tiago Baptista Fernandes.

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There are 4 typical changes that lead to the search for the abdominoplasty surgical procedure: excess skin, stretch marks, sagging muscles and excess localized fat.

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S.A.F.E Lipoabdominoplasty

S.A.F.E Lipoabdominoplasty is one of the most effective body remodeling surgeries, as it responds to the absence of abdominal liposuction in classic abdominoplasty.

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S.A.F.E Liposuction

Dr. Tiago Baptista Fernandes was the first European and Portuguese Plastic Surgeon to practice a new liposuction technique called S.A.F.E Lipo. It consists of a vibroliposuction, performed in three steps: S. Separation, A. Aspiration and F.E Fat Equalizer.

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Lipolaser – or laser liposculpture – has become essential in the world of plastic surgery. Its great innovation is that it allows you to destroy fat and, at the same time, control bleeding.

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Brazilian Butt Lift

BBL or Brazilian Butt Lift is the most natural technique for increasing the volume of the buttocks, since the product used is the patient’s own fat.

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Aumento de nádegas

Quando não é possível remodelar os glúteos com a própria gordura existem duas alternativas – próteses e ácido hialurónico.

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A braquioplastia ou cirurgia plástica dos braços é a resposta cirúrgica ao envelhecimento natural dos tecidos e as variações de peso que produzem depósitos de gordura e/ou flacidez da pele concentrados nas zonas lateral e posterior dos braços.

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Cirurgia das coxas

A cirurgia das coxas ou lifting das coxas está associada a problemas de flacidez da pele e gordura das coxas que é um problema frequente nas mulheres mais velhas, quer pelas grandes variações de peso (influenciadas também pela ação hormonal), quer pelo processo natural de envelhecimento da pele em geral.

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Aumento de gémeos

A colocação de gordura para aumento de gémeos é a melhor solução devido à naturalidade que se pode obter, não ficando limitado a um volume predefinido como nas próteses.

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Conheça as nossas instalações

A Up Clinic nasceu com o intuito de oferecer uma experiência de excelência na área de estética e bem-estar. As instalações da clínica em Lisboa foram criadas com o objectivo de proporcionar o máximo conforto num ambiente elegante e exclusivo, sem descurar a proximidade que caracteriza a equipa multidisciplinar da clínica.