Hair transplant
The most advanced technique with the best results in hair surgery is the FUE technique, which consists of extracting follicles safely, without damaging them and avoiding scars.
The hair transplant is the main procedure in the Capillary unit to restore hair in an area where it no longer exists. It is a procedure that allows hair follicles extracted from so-called donor areas (occipital and temporal regions – nape of the neck and lateral regions of the head) to be replaced and distributed, because they are genetically programmed to resist baldness. In this way, it is possible to fill in areas of baldness and/or lower hair density. There are two techniques in hair transplantat: FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and STRIP or FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation).
Hair transplant can be applied to both sexes, in individuals over the age of 16, and there is no age limit for the procedure, subject to a brief clinical assessment, since the only limiting factor is the number of extractable follicles from the donor area.
FUE Technique – Individual Follicle Extraction
How does it work?
The most advanced technique with the best results in hair surgery is the FUE technique, which consists of extracting follicles safely, without damaging them and avoiding scars. Using specific medical instruments with diameters of 0.7 to 1 mm, it is possible to carry out follicular extraction and implantation precisely and practically unnoticeably. These diameter values, which are desirable to avoid the development of scars or other noticeable changes, are not achievable with extraction robots, which are also limited to collecting follicles in the occipital area.
Subsequently, the follicular units are separated according to their number of hairs (there are units of one to four hairs) and implanted individually to achieve a natural result with the desired visual effect. This procedure is carried out by a team of experienced doctors and nurses, and the follicular extraction and implantation processes are the doctor’s responsibility and carried out entirely by him. Up to 3,000 follicles can be removed in a single surgical procedure.
Advantages of the FUE method:
Hair transplantation lasts between 6 and 10 hours a day. Between 1,500 and 3,000 follicular units can be transplanted depending on the patient’s donor area and the objectives regarding the area to be implanted (frontal zone, frontal line reinforcement, crown or a combination of different recipient areas). The anesthesia is local and there is no hospital stay. You can count on a 5-day withdrawal period, but this is not mandatory and the results can appear up to 1 year after the hair transplant.
6 to 10 hours (1)
5 days (2)
Up to 12 months (3)
Inhibition of physical activity
2 weeks
Inhibition of
Inhibition of driving
Inhibition of sexual activity
5 days
Inhibition of sun exposure
(1) com intervalo para almoço e pausas quando necessário.
(2) não mandatório.
(3) obtenção progressiva de resultados.